Monday, December 1, 2008


I had went to Sitex for 3 out of the 4 days~! -ロ- Even I was amazed by myself~~! LOL. I bought a Creative Zen, a Camera and a 650GB hard disk. I really like to thank Dao Hui, Andrew and Kenneth for accompanying to buy the stuff on Sunday when it was so crowded and the queue was like an hour long each. Not to mention the 3 of them with Kenneth psyco-ing me to get a I-pod classic caused it have 120gb, Andrew/Dao Hui psyco-ing me to get I-touch instead cause it had a bigger screen.

However, I ended getting the one in the middle averge screen and average space as I need not convert files for Zen.... Or so I thought. I spent the whole of yesterday learning that i do need to converty videos for Zen to watch as the difference in the screen does not allow me to watch the show immediately. And it takes so long to convert the files~~~! RARW~~!

I had also went out with Mei yun and Kenneth on saturday.

Something I painted at the art fair~! I wish i had better brush! I know it is ugly~!

Mei Yun's Masterpiece~!

Sweet maker~!

Lots of candies~!

My dinner~! So expensive~!


I have also passed the Final theory exam for driving. GA! It was very tricky.