Wednesday, November 18, 2009

It had been, it is and it will be

I understand that it had been a very long while since I last posted and therefore apologize to anyone who ACTUALLY follows this blog. My advise to you is don't. I have either been very busy (excuse) or forgotten about this (fact).

It had been...

I have finally ended my torturous days of junk food, finger-countable hours of sleep per week, butt pain for sitting too long, endless studying and facing the pile of paper that could bury me alive. I have to admit, I had NEVER EVER studied so hard in my life. I really have to worship Wan Ling; the person who manage to convince me into entering the hell pit this way and seeming enter a deeper hell : 34hours-truce-with-the-Z-monster-to-be-paid-back (I think she is still paying back with interest).

It is...
Speaking of which, now, in my post exam period, I have been moving house, watching anime, dramas, reading novel and preparing to go home. Ha~! I am a busy person aren't I.

I had been watching the Taiwanese Drama "Fated to Love You" by a friend's recommendation and found it really silly at first, but the plot picks up later with a twist. I also have been recommended to watch the Korean variety show, "Let's get married" and managed to watch a few episode via youtube dam data sucker. Really great show. I have to remind myself to catch it in Singapore. Lastly, I skimmed though the anime "Tokyo Magnitude 8.0" which is average-slow show but with a interesting ending.

In facebook, it had really been funny when a group insisting the refund of CIB (Communication in Business), one of our subjects, claiming it to be the most useless subject ever. I concur though . The group was started right after the exam (within hours after it) and by the end of the 2nd day, it had about 364 members cursing the exam and subject. What was really more amusing (other than the VERY colorful languages and words) was that the university removed the group from facebook by the third day. I am anticipating a protest and riot soon. LOL~!

It will be...
This Saturday!!! It will be THE DAY!!!! Of MY RETURN!!!! MUHAHAHA!!! BEWARE ALL!! CHERYL IS COMING BACK TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!! Haha!! Yes, I am sure it is pretty obvious that I have be craving to back in Singapore for the food. This time, I shall be back for 3months.

Sadly to say, not all for holidaying. It will be summer school for me, in Singapore's Curtin University. I am pretty curious how the Singapore's one look. I shall only be taking two subjects though.

Anyway, till we meet again! Adios!!!

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