Saturday, October 1, 2011

Blogless Blog

Hi guys! Sorry for the lack of updates.
m(_ _)m ゴメンナサイ!

Here is a brief insight on whats happening....
As most of you know, after 2 and a half years of suffering, I have graduated!!
( ̄▽ ̄)ノ_彡☆バンバン!!

However, I realised that you cannot easily get a job in marketin here as most marketing firms are in anywhere but Perth. (゚Д゚≡゚Д゚)

This lead me to joining a Volunteering group in AYCC for Powershift.

BUT!!! ガ━━Σ(゚Д゚|||)━━ン!!

With the help of my design experience, I gotten a contract position till early december!!
It is a great job. Good pay, ends at 4.30pm, nice people....

The only problem is that... I don't have a car and thus need to get up at 5.30pm!!! OMFG!!!
(_ _)ヾ(‘ロ‘) ペチペチ 起きろ~

Now, this lazy ate worm must wake up early and get eaten by birds.
ャダヽ(o`皿′o)ノ What a life.

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